



国际建筑项目 = FIDIC(采购管理) 商务接待运行 风险性把控 技术规范!显而易见,做国际工程项目的引领者是FIDIC合同书,要想搞好国际建筑项目,务必熟识FIDIC合同书的七色彩虹系列产品,最少针对 Top 10 Clauses(十大关键条款)要了然于胸 ,而且是全英,并不是中译文翻译!那麼怎样掌握十大关键条款的关键点呢?文中对田威教师的在线直播平台课程内容——《FIDIC合同书十大关键条款分析》开展了手记梳理。



仲裁与模棱两可(ambiguity, discrepancy)相关,一般 模棱两可引起异议,异议造成仲裁。在交涉和签订时,要尽量减少“模棱两可”状况。


1.一定要赢——在实际操作上许多公司是有心理问题的,强烈推荐学习培训Game Theory/Ultimatum Game,学习培训后具体指导具体工作中。



田威版“仲裁条款”:Unless settled amicably, all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract and it’s attachments shall be finally settled under the rules of arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The language of communication shall be English. The seat of arbitration shall be Bern, Switzerland. For the avoidance of doubt it is confirmed that the decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding and neither Party shall have any right to appeal from any decision of the arbitrators to any Court in order to review any decision of the arbitrators.

02 十大关键条款——第二条


国际建筑项目的标准 —— “价责对筹”

“The Contractor gets paid for the work he performs and the Employer gets the work he is paying for.”它是国际工程项目领域内高频被全部有关方应用的一句话,适用全部的左右家,例如小区业主与承包商,总包商与承包商,只需把英语单词更换一下,由于双方始终是相对性的。



03 十大关键条款——第三条


Take everything on evidence. There is no better rule.

—— Charles Dickens

做国际建筑项目打仲裁时,承包商证明责任是十分大的,英语称为 Burden of Proof(证明责任 —— “谁主张,举证责任”)。

在商业服务案子质证的操作过程中,规定要保证Balance of Probabilities,要让仲裁庭觉得有超出51%的真实度,dissection of the events and review of what actually happened(对恶性事件能保证分拆讲解和白底黑字地叙述回首过去具体产生的状况)。

The Contractor is not required to present details or analysis to the level of: “Beyond Reasonable Doubt(清除合理怀疑)” ,用以刑事案的质证规定的內容和直接证据水准比前边商业服务纠纷案件要来的严苛许多。

04 十大关键条款——第4条



05 十大关键条款——第5条


Unforeseen Physical or Legal Obstructions(波浪纹基础理论)的合同书描述为:“Any obstructions, difficulties or costs, either physically or legally, for which an experienced contractor could not have been reasonably foreseen or take precautions, while he was preparing his Tender or Price”.



·Physical Impossibility —— Sub-Clause 4.12 [Unforeseeable Physical Conditions] Sub-clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost]

·Legal Impossibility —— Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation]

06 十大关键条款——承包商增收的三大支撑


1. Variation Instruction/Order(变动令)

在FIDIC红皮书和红薯粉皮书的标准下,变动令可让承包商销售额创收10%(并不是盈利)问题不大 —— 价格的价格假如亏本,则反方向效用。

V.O is with E.O.T in the shadows.如影随行!

2. 价格调整公式计算 Price Fluctuation Formula/Price Adjustment Formula



碰到重大风险一定要靠索赔,另外随着着国际仲裁!但不必总嘴上上挂着索赔,那样太刺激性小区业主。即使真实选用索赔了,还要尽可能用较柔和的、小区业主能够接受的英文措辞,这也是索赔方法关键的一部分 —— 你务必学好“How to mince your words tactically?”特别是在在写英文信件时!

07 十大关键条款——第9条

Force Majeure(1999版)

Exceptional Events(2017版 )

Excepted Risks(1977版)

针对现阶段出現的新冠肺炎疫情给国际承包商导致的出现意外风险性,所有压宝在“Force Majuere(不可抗拒)”的条款上来开展抗辩尚需掂量。

提议承包商用心科学研究一下实际操作上最有效的与時间量化分析相关的风险防控条款 —— Suspension of Work(中止工程施工),条款号为FIDIC合同书1977版和1987版第40.1款、1999版第八.8款、2017版第八.9款,另外运用事后的Prolonged Suspension(不断的中止工程施工),条款号为1977版和1987版第40.3款、1999版第八.11款、2017版第八.12款。

当承包商的全部对外开放商谈都把握住了合同书第一个方面上最基础、最重要的条款,也有利于多方面上与小区业主讲理,而为此为据再去索取“延期施工期 经济补偿金(索赔)” 这类认为就拥有“根”!

Prolonged Suspension 条款明文规定—— If the suspension under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Works] has continued for more than 84 days, the Contractor may request the Engineer’s permission to proceed. If the Engineer does not give permission within 28 days after being requested to do so, the Contractor may, by giving notice to the Engineer, treat the suspension as an omission under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments] of the affected part of the Works. If the suspension affects the whole of the Works, the Contractor may give notice of termination under Sub-Clause 16.2 [Termination by Contractor].

Prolonged Suspension条款里提及的承包商能够引入而且十分安全性去解除合同的第16.2款[Termination by Contractor],有关出現了Prolonged Suspension情况后的解决:In the case of (f) , 也就是 as described in Sub-Clause 8.11 [Prolonged Suspension], …… the Contractor may by notice terminate the Contract immediately.The Contractor's election to terminate the Contract shall not prejudice any other rights of the Contractor, under the Contract or otherwise.

“without prejudice”与 “without prejudice to” 含意相差甚远。那样,根据把握住风险性不断了 84 28天= 112天 这一量化分析数据,让时间函数来讲话 ,能够证实COVID-19实际性地阻拦了完成合同书目地,由此与小区业主解除合同,并依照小区业主毁约来解决 —— 而一旦“小区业主毁约”创立,小区业主就务必全额赔付承包商的所有财产损失,包含已完工程项目计付、在场原材料机器设备和工作人员遣散费用等,全部的直接费和间接费用,理论上还应包含承包商假如(假定一切正常)成功做完新项目所很有可能赚到的有效盈利。随后承包商再与小区业主友善商议去做 RENOVATION of a terminated Contract,再次讨价还价和平谈判定新的合同书标准,一定主导权在手!

08 十大关键条款——第10条

EOT与“Time at Large”

只需一提到新项目的EOT,就一定会碰到“Time at Large”

在国际工程承包合同里,它是Common Law的定义 —— “Time at large”means there is no time fixed for completion or, the time set for completion no longer applies. Where this occurs —— the Contractor’s obligation is to complete the work within a reasonable time .

也就是施工期是开放式的:The Employer must extend the completion time and LD cannot apply on to the Contractor.


